About Us
Dylan & Maddy

Hi there! We’re Dylan & Maddy, a travel loving couple based out of Buffalo, NY. From a young age, we saw the world for more than just our small town. Growing up around the corner from Niagara Falls, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, we’ve always wanted to see what else the world had to offer. The thought of immersing ourselves into many different cultures is what led us on this journey. We hope to help educate and inspire our readers on the travels that lie ahead.

When we aren’t traveling, we are spending time with our doggies, Cali (on the left) and our new puppy, Winston (on the right). The hardest part about traveling has to be leaving them behind! Luckily, both of our families are amazing, and they always help us out. These have to be the most loved and spoiled pups on earth!

Oh…and we should mention, we are huge Harry Potter fans! When we first met, the Harry Potter films were something we really connected over. Let’s just say, we have taken some detours on our trips to visit iconic locations from the movies. Check out our blog posts for more information on that!

We hope that by reading through our blog, you won’t only learn about our travels, but also about us as people. We are so excited to share about our past, present, and future journeys with you all, and we hope you will choose to come along for the ride. Thank you, and enjoy the trip!
With love, Dylan and Maddy
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did.